the lure of the buoy
We first started sea swimming soon after I joined the ASD team over a year ago now. I posed the idea and was received with mixed expressions at the time. At first we swam separately but one by one people started joining and soon we had a solid group of intrepid sea swimmers up for a lunchtime dip rain or shine.
Sea swimming is highly addictive. You can find yourself craving the chill of those first brave steps, the lure of the buoy beyond the shallows and the view back toward the sprawling sea front. I think the key thing is how it makes you feel once you’re back in the office, It’s the perfect way to reset for the afternoon. Since it’s become an office weekly activity, we try encourage all who are interested, and it makes for some great team bonding.
As long as the weather holds up we plan to continue the lunch time dips. There has even been mention of ordering some official ASD swim club shorts.
Llewellyn Thomas (with photography by Joe Sanders)