andy sturgeon design exhibiting at prestigious LH garden show in south korea

Andy Sturgeon Design will be building a permanent garden at the third LH garden show in South Korea later this year. It’s a real privilege to be invited to South Korea again and for the LH garden show Andy has designed a garden that highlights the relationship between man and nature.

The garden features a series of welcoming terraces that step up through the garden and invite you to explore the woodland setting. The terraces themselves have shallow pools within them, and the planting has a sense of a monoculture as a reference to agriculture and the way that man has this intervention in the landscape.

Corten steel walls run through the garden that perform a number of functions. They act as pieces of sculpture in their own right, but also defining the spaces and creating a dramatic backdrop to the garden and planting. They also create a sense of enclosure, safety and security that allows visitors to the garden to relax and feel part of the nature that surrounds them.

Andy is really looking forward to working with the team from Studio Jireh in South Korea and the opportunity to learn about the local plants and landscape culture.

Image credit: Andy Sturgeon Design